NAFSA 2024
New OrleansMayo 31 - 2024
CCYK delegation participate in NAFSA 2024 Annual Conference & Expo. Through more than 250 programs, including conference sessions, the NAFSA International Education Expo, NAFSA Signature Programs, NAFSA Plenaries, Spotlight Presenters, poster fairs, peer engagement, special celebrations, and networking opportunities, you will find the partnerships, resources, and solutions your institution or organization needs. Location. New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center May 28 - 31, 2024 More information

EAIE 2023
Rotterdam, NetherlandsSeptiembre 29 - 2023
CCYK participates in the 2023 EAIE Conference theme ‘Connecting currents’ celebrated the maritime history of Rotterdam and embodies the importance of water to the city, providing economic opportunities as well as existential threats. Rotterdam is a place where the river meets the sea. In similar ways, international education actively connects ‘currents’ of thought, areas of expertise, disciplines and cultures. From virtual learning to climate action, multilingualism to geopolitics, the currents we navigate as international educators are fast-moving and unpredictable, exciting and important.

NAFSA 2023
Washington D.C. EEUUJunio 03 - 2023
Coinciding with NAFSA’s 75th anniversary, the annual conference and expo will bring together our global community to reflect, celebrate, inspire, and create. We will honor our legacy and progress, renew our community’s mission, and commit to diversifying the voices that shape the future of the international education field for years to come. Download

EAIE 2022
Barcelona, Cataluña, España.Septiembre 16 - 2022
The Annual EAIE Conference is Europe's largest and most comprehensive higher education event, bringing together passionate professionals from all over the globe, The conference theme, 'The future in full colour', embraces the ever-expanding spectrum of tools for internationalisation. The theme explores how we, as practitioners, can draw on this diverse pallet to paint a vivid and inclusive picture of our shared future. Dowload Handbook CCYK in EAIE 2022

NAFSA 2022
Denver, Colorado, USA.- June 3, 2022
Association of International Educators, the world’s largest association dedicated to international education and exchange, invites to the NAFSA 2022 Annual Conference & Expo. The global international education community unites at NAFSA 2022 to discover the latest innovations, new strategies, and best practices. Download

[:es]Expo Dubái es una plataforma para fomentar la creatividad, la innovación y la colaboración a una escala global. CCYK estará presente.
Mas Información[:en]Expo Dubái es una plataforma para fomentar la creatividad, la innovación y la colaboración a una escala global. CCYK estará presente.
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EAIE 2021: 32nd Annual Conference and Exhibition
Septiembre 10 - 2021
[:es]Gothenburg, Sweden. 07 – 10 September, 2021.
Ir: Mas información[:]

NAFSA 2021 Annual Conference & Expo
Junio 04 - 2021
[:es]Orlando, Florida. May 30 – June 4, 2021.
Ir: Mas información[:]

LACHEC 2020 Online.
Agosto 27 - 2020
[:es]Fechas: 13, 20 y 27 de agosto de 2020. Ir: Mas información[:]

2020 NAFSA eConnection
Junio 17 - 2020
Fechas: Mayo 26 y 27, Junio 3, 10 y 17, 2020. Ir: Mas Información

NAFSA 2019
Washington DCMarzo 31 - 2019
NAFSA 2019 - Annual conference & Expo, Global Leadership, Learning and Change
NAFSA 2019 - Annual conference & Expo, Global Leadership, Learning and Change

Conversatorio "El papel de la Educación ante los retos del Siglo XXI: ¿Qué nos puede enseñar Finlandia?". Universidad del Rosario.
Colombia, BogotáOctubre 25 - 2018

Convocatoria Red de Universidades Estatales de Colombia - III Congreso Internacional Doctorado en Ciencias de la Educación.
Pereira, RisaraldaOctubre 03 - 2018
La Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira invita a participar en la Convocatoria de la Red de Universidades Estatales de Colombia-RUDECOLOMBIA, en relación al III Congreso Internacional Doctorado en Ciencias de la Educación.
Para mayor información: http://academia.utp.edu.co/3ci-dce/
La Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira invita a participar en la Convocatoria de la Red de Universidades Estatales de Colombia-RUDECOLOMBIA, en relación al III Congreso Internacional Doctorado en Ciencias de la Educación.
Para mayor información: http://academia.utp.edu.co/3ci-dce/

Colombia in NAFSA 2018, Philadelphia. Now find us in EAIE, Geneva, Booth C20.
Geneva, Switzerland.Septiembre 14 - 2018
Colombia in @NAFSA 2018, Philadelphia. Now find us in @TheEAIE , Geneva, Booth C20. @CCYK_COLOMBIA @Mineducacion @ICETEX @Colciencias @PROCOLOMBIACO pic.twitter.com/zLLDcfkb6v
— Colombia CCYK (@CCYK_COLOMBIA) 28 de agosto de 2018
Colombia in @NAFSA 2018, Philadelphia. Now find us in @TheEAIE , Geneva, Booth C20. @CCYK_COLOMBIA @Mineducacion @ICETEX @Colciencias @PROCOLOMBIACO pic.twitter.com/zLLDcfkb6v
— Colombia CCYK (@CCYK_COLOMBIA) 28 de agosto de 2018
Colombia Challenge Your Knowledge in EAIE International Conference for Higher Education, Geneva 2018
Geneva, SwitzerlandSeptiembre 14 - 2018
Prepare to visit Colombia @CCYK_COLOMBIA @colciencias @ICETEX @Mineducacion and @PROCOLOMBIACO at booth C20 in the biggest European Conference for Higher Education @TheEAIE in Geneva, Switzerland. From 11 - 14 September in @Palexpo pic.twitter.com/rPuM7lase5
— Colombia CCYK (@CCYK_COLOMBIA) 22 de agosto de 2018
Prepare to visit Colombia @CCYK_COLOMBIA @colciencias @ICETEX @Mineducacion and @PROCOLOMBIACO at booth C20 in the biggest European Conference for Higher Education @TheEAIE in Geneva, Switzerland. From 11 - 14 September in @Palexpo pic.twitter.com/rPuM7lase5
— Colombia CCYK (@CCYK_COLOMBIA) 22 de agosto de 2018
NAFSA 2018
Filadelfia, Pensylvania, EEUUJunio 01 - 2018
La Red CCYK participó en la Conferencia Internacional sobre Educación Superior más grande del mundo, NAFSA, en Fildadelfia, Estados Unidos en alianza con entidades de gobierno como el Ministerio de Educación Nacional, ICETEX y COLCIENCIAS.
La Red CCYK participó en la Conferencia Internacional sobre Educación Superior más grande del mundo, NAFSA, en Fildadelfia, Estados Unidos en alianza con entidades de gobierno como el Ministerio de Educación Nacional, ICETEX y COLCIENCIAS.