CCYK and its purpose
Colombia Challenge Your Knowledge (CCYK) is a non-profit association, composed of 33 Colombian universities, both public and private, with presence throughout the country and accredited in high quality by the Ministry of Education, whose mission is to promote Colombia as an international destination for higher education and quality research.
The network was created in 2009 and since that year has continuously led several initiatives focused on design, implementation, monitoring and research in the processes of internationalization of higher education in Colombia.
The main objectives of CCYK are:

- To promote and disseminate Colombian research, academic and outreach programs abroad.
- To strengthen the internationalization of the Accredited Universities of Colombia,To Study current trends in internationalization and promote quality processes in all Colombian higher education institutions.

- To promote active collaboration among Colombian universities, making our country a diverse and increasingly integrated campus for national and international students, as well as being a relevant and reliable partner for international education programs.
- To integrate internationalization in the curriculum of academic programs.
- To integrate strategies for strengthening second and third language in the curricula, not only as a requirement for obtaining degrees.

- To manage funds to encourage international student mobility at the undergraduate and graduate levels.
- To articulate and coordinate resources and efforts to generate greater impact and visibility of the country brand in international forums of high level, as well as international congresses of Higher Education.
- To encourage multilingualism among member institutions and promote Colombia as a destination for learning Spanish for foreigners.
Structure and operation:
CCYK has a structure composed:

Products and achievements:
- International visibility of the Colombia brand as a destination country for Higher Education, through stands at conferences on internationalization of higher education in the world (NAFSA and EAIE).
- Presentation of papers on the experience and trajectory of CCYK and its member institutions in international conferences.

- Inbound Mobility Report presented at NAFSA 2016.
- Development of the Guide Kit for the Internationalization of Higher Education.
Our Goals
- International visibility of the Colombia brand as a destination country for Higher Education, through stands at conferences on internationalization of higher education in the world (NAFSA and EAIE).
- Presentation of papers on the experience and trajectory of CCYK and its member institutions in international conferences.
- Accompaniment in the development of capacities to IES in its internationalization process.
- Positioning as a national and international reference regarding the status of the internationalization of Higher Education in Colombia.
- Academic mission to Portland on sustainability for Higher Education in Colombia.
- Training of Colombian universities through Workshops in Bogotá, Cali, Medellín and Cartagena by research professors at California State University, Los Angeles on issues of internationalization, diversity and interculturality in Higher Education.
- Programa de Construcción de capacidades para la internacionalización, diversidad e interculturalidad con California State University, Los Angeles e ICETEX.
- Referentes de consulta para la formulación de la política pública de Internacionalización de ES en Colombia.
- Referente nacional e internacional respecto al estado de la internacionalización de las ES en Colombia.
- Misiones académicas para la promoción de la educación superior en América Latina y el Caribe (MAPES), Perú, Ecuador, Panamá, Bolivia, Brasil y México.
- Referente como Red para iniciativas similares en la región.
CCYK in Numbers
381.170 undergraduate students
71.000 graduate students
22.390 international students
17.000 (Español) Profesores de tiempo completo
3.453 researchers recognized by Colciencias.
CCYK in Numbers

Fuente: Reporte anual 2018 - II Encuentro de Rectores y Vicerrectores CCYK